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Nicola Mc

SuperStar Consultant

My Story

Welcome to Scents of Perfection 🤗

Thank you for taking the time to shop with me and read my story here. Every Scentsy Consultant has had a different journey but we all share the same love of the products.

Towards the end of last year my Mum was diagnosed with terminal lung Cancer and told she only had a couple months to live. We were told she was unlikely to make it to Christmas. Once we’d stopped reeling from the news, my siblings and I launched into organising a string of events designed to help my Mum be positive in her battle and celebrate life in as many ways as we could.

Amidst the family get togethers, fancy dress Halloween parties, afternoon teas and pampers at home, I invited my friend to hold a Scentsy party at my Mum’s for us. I was already a Scentsy customer and Scentsy convert and it was a great opportunity for my Mum to have some close friends around her and host a get together following one of her hospital visits.

It was the smiles on everyone’s faces, the excitement and pleasure trying the testers whilst relaxed and chatting with my Mum that appealed so much to me. So much so, that when I was catching up with my friend again a few days later, I knew I wanted to say “yes” when she began to talk about the join opportunity.

I didn’t sign up straight away though, my mother was starting her treatment and the timing was all wrong for me, but she made miraculous improvements and defying the doctor’s prognosis, Christmas was upon us and we suddenly had an appointment to keep in January 2020!

As the New Year rolled around, I talked to my Mum about joining Scentsy and she thought it was a great idea. She told me she’d recognised the lights turn on in my eyes when I talked about the scents and products, so I left her house that day and went to my friend’s website and joined up! 😊

The first quarter of 2020 was admittedly a real challenge. As a single mum of two, with a menagerie of pets to also care for, a full-time job - on top of caring (alongside my sister) for my widowed Mum, it was difficult to say the least, but I got my head down, listened to my Scentsy sponsor and started sharing my love for the Scentsy ranges with everyone I knew or met.

Despite numerous personal ups and downs and the shattering news in February that the chemo had stopped working for my Mum she encouraged me to keep going. I had set myself the objective of hitting my Sensational Start with Scentsy in my first 70 days and promoting to Lead Consultant. I smashed it and I still remember showing my Mum the special warmer given to Consultants who achieve this. It was just days before she died.

Scentsy has really been a place to help save my sanity in a time I could have lost myself. It’s kept me smiling, kept me moving, kept me sharing and open to people.

I will forever think of my Mum when I’m doing something in my Scentsy business. It made us both smile on some of her lowest days when she had no strength to get to the car for even a drive. We’d talk about the scents and any memories they brought back and laugh at the ones that we didn’t like- not that there are many of those!

Scentsy gave me an opportunity to keep an income whilst working from home, it fits around my children and their commitments, too. Now I get to work it around home-schooling and keeping up with my two boys!

Quite simply, it’s my happy place.

If you want more smiles to greet you, to smile more yourself, if you want to make great friendships and be supported by a team of positive like-minded fragrance fans, get in touch.

You too could find a happy home with Scentsy on my team and I’d love to help you share those Scentsy smiles too. 💕


My Favourite Scents